Kim Andrews and poet Daingerfield Dunn met in 2008 at church and quickly became the best of friends. In 2015, Kim fell in love with the gift of transformational storytelling and began producing and directing storytelling events. At lunch one day in the spring of 2016 Kim realized that since Daingerfield had over 1000 poems at that time covering various themes, i.e., love, grief, friendship, self-esteem, family, spirituality, politics, and more, that various poems could be strategically assembled into stories.
The duo then began planning their first live poetry event, "A Little Boy from Nowhere, Texas", Daingerfield's coming-of-age to coming-into-his-own story. Kim coached Daingerfield on presentation and delivery and they added musical interludes with a pianist and great singers between "chapters" in the story. The show received rave reviews and Daingerfield and Kim had a fantastic time collaborating and watching people be deeply impacted by Daingerfield's gift for creating extraordinary moments with ordinary words. Between October 2016 and December 2020 they presented nine more poetry events in Dallas, Texas, and the rave reviews kept coming.
In 2019 the duo thought it was time to share Daingerfield's profound verse with the world and began a short film project with the "Little Boy" story. That film is currently in final editing and a screening and launch are planned for September 2020. In January 2020 they decided they wanted to formalize their partnership and Little Boy from Nowhere, Texas, Productionswas born.